In the News: D.C. Sniper’s Execution Stay Denied

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 By: Tiffani Haynes

In 2002, he and his son struck fear and apprehension in the hearts of the entire country, specifically those in the DC-Maryland-Virginia (DMV) area. After terrorizing the DMV for nearly a month by shooting innocent bystanders, John Muhammad also known as the D.C. Sniper, will be executed tomorrow.

While he requested for his execution to be delayed, Supreme Court ruled today to continue with the planned execution despite his appeal process not being complete.

Some government officials have spoken out against the hasty execution. According to the Washington Post, “Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor objected to the court’s haste, saying it ‘highlights once again the perversity of executing inmates before their appeals process has been fully concluded.’”

Muhammad’s Tuesday execution will occur before his appeal will make it to the Supreme Court, an injustice that Stevens says has happened often before. Virginia state laws allow the execution process to be moved up and Muhammad’s lawyers are stating his execution date hasn’t given them enough time to prepare a sufficient appeal.

Muhammad’s son, Lee Malvo was sentenced to life without parole in 2004.

In the News: Pimp Down–Katt Williams Arrested on Burglary Charges


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By: Tiffani Haynes

Comedian Katt Williams was able to keep a smile on his face for his mug shot after being arrested on Sunday. Williams was arrested on burglary and trespassing charges and taken to the Coweta County Jail in southern Georgia.

Reportedly, Williams broke into a Newnan, GA home with a crowbar and several items  totaling $3,500 in jewelry and coins were stolen. The home belonged to producer Barry Hankerson and Williams’ lawyer claims he was a guest in Hankerson’s home.

Williams was staying with Hankerson for a month while working on the producer’s new movie. One of Hankerson’s security guards, Daniel Broach, called police and said Williams was caught breaking into the home.

Accoridng to, Hankerson spoke to police to affirm that Williams was allowed to stay in his home indefinitely.

He was arraigned and released around 4 p.m. on Monday. He was greeted with a crowd cheering his release.

Cultivate It: A Labor Of Love

by: Randi M.

Emory Professor Clifton Green braiding his 4-year-old daughter's hair.

Emory Professor Clifton Green braiding his 4-year-old daughter's hair.

I personally don’t have a problem with Interracial Adoption, because I am happy when any child is given the chance to have a loving family. Lately I have seen a lot more White couples adopting African or African-American children. I always hear people saying how White parents can’t teach a child how to be Black. And that may be the case, but that isn’t my issue today.  A little Black girl’s hair is her crown. And when people see little Black girls running around with their hair looking a mess, they say “Why would her parents let her walk out the house looking like that?” It bothers me when I see these girls out and their hair is wild and doesn’t look like you can comb through it. I feel her White parents need to take the time to learn how to do her hair. That little girl is going to be criticized by other children and some adults, because her hair is unkempt. I recently received an email from a friend entitled, “A Father Braiding Daughter’s  Hair A Labor of Love. It was about a White man who learned braiding techniques to

Miriam Tigist Green getting her hair done.

Miriam Tigist Green getting her hair done.

do his adopted Ethiopian daughter’s hair. He and his wife explained they didn’t want their daughter “to feel like her hair was a burden but was something that should be celebrated.” A lot of times too much pressure is placed on girls today about their appearance. But we can’t change a society overnight. I love that her father took the time to try and make her feel more accepted. I also feel it should be the same vice versa. A Black couple that has adopted a White or Asian or any child should take the time to learn what goes into taking care of the child’s hair. Let us know how you feel about this.

Clifton Green and his daugter, Miriam Tigist Green.

Clifton Green and his daughter, Miriam Tigist Green.

The Rumor Mill: Janet & Jermaine Still Going Strong

by: Randi M.


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Rumors were going around that Janet Jackson and Jermaine Dupri had called it quits, especially since Jermaine wasn’t seen at Michael Jackson’s funeral. Reports are now saying that Jermaine wanted to give Janet some space while she mourned the loss of her brother. And rumors are now going around that there is wedding talk among the two. But that is  a rumor we have heard before and have yet to see a ring on Ms. Jackson’s finger.

The Limelight: Taylor Swift on SNL

Here’s a clip from Taylor Swift’s Saturday Night Live’s appearance. I know you just want to see if she says anything about Kanye, don’t you? No worries, she does a little something around 3:12 of the video. The rest of the clip os kind of lack luster, she’s trying to go hard, but doesn’t quite meet the standard. Nice try though Taylor, i see where you were trying to go.

Posted by A.J. Washington