In the News: D.C. Sniper’s Execution Stay Denied

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 By: Tiffani Haynes

In 2002, he and his son struck fear and apprehension in the hearts of the entire country, specifically those in the DC-Maryland-Virginia (DMV) area. After terrorizing the DMV for nearly a month by shooting innocent bystanders, John Muhammad also known as the D.C. Sniper, will be executed tomorrow.

While he requested for his execution to be delayed, Supreme Court ruled today to continue with the planned execution despite his appeal process not being complete.

Some government officials have spoken out against the hasty execution. According to the Washington Post, “Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor objected to the court’s haste, saying it ‘highlights once again the perversity of executing inmates before their appeals process has been fully concluded.’”

Muhammad’s Tuesday execution will occur before his appeal will make it to the Supreme Court, an injustice that Stevens says has happened often before. Virginia state laws allow the execution process to be moved up and Muhammad’s lawyers are stating his execution date hasn’t given them enough time to prepare a sufficient appeal.

Muhammad’s son, Lee Malvo was sentenced to life without parole in 2004.

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